Monday, April 13, 2009

The mind & It's world

Overall, life has been stretched out everywhere for me. Work, studies, friendship, theatre, music, relationships, fights, ego-clashes, emotions, darkness, emptiness, behaviors... so many things.

I am trying to see a ray of hope in everything either to stay or just get out. It's tough choice to get into this mode. But I am trying to be one like that.

Whenever I listen to Mukesh's song (actually it should be Raj Kapoor's song as it is more based on his life) Jaane kahan gaye woh din, and particularly a sequenc in the song, where Raj Kapoor just places the joker on to the ground and he looks helplessly at the joker, my eyes fills with tears. It talks about all the above things I mentioned.

Is it because of the fact that I have gone through alll those and got hit? May be yes.......
I was hit quite badly in those areas and till today, I wonder how I came out of all those things. Even today, there are people whom I know for sure are talking at my back and show off as if they are good friends to me. No, No, I am not cribbing. It's just like those underwater substances which keeps coming on to the shore and again goes back to the bottom of sea.

1 comment:

  1. What a piece of thought, Rameshji!!!

    You have poured out your heart so beautifully :-)

    Love your style of writing...Do write more & more!!! Makes me so happy to read your blog.

