Wednesday, November 25, 2009

So Much....

Seriously thinking of venturing into something more meaningful...

working on a proposal to create a website for Kannada literature

thinking of exploring the options of getting into media at least part time for now

want read books which are still in the Q at my home. I have around 10 books to be read.

Lot of translation work is pending.

Need to spend more time with the family

Need to spend more time in theatre

Need to listen to more music

Need to constantly keep in touch with friends

Need to keep writing blog ( should start writing in Kannada as well)

Need to meet some imporant people who could potentially be a turning points in my life.....

So much to do.... so little time... !!!!


  1. Hi Ramesh, nice to have you back :) Hope you shall be able to make time for all that you have planned.All the Best :)

  2. Thanks Archana... Yeah.. it feels nice to be back in this space...

    I also hope I will be able to get so much time... :)

  3. U have a very interesting list Sir! :)
    Makes me want to do more too ...


  4. Yeah... unfortunately, I am not getting time even for half of it... :(

    The family and work is consuming too much of time !! :(
